Street Works

The W.D.M. Limited Street Works Management System (SWMS) is fully compatible with both Street Manager and EToN 6 for managing permits and notices from all undertakers and interested highway authorities. It has a direct interface with the HIAMS works ordering modules enabling promotors to send permits/notices direct from the Order, Scheme or Defect etc. using common fields to save time and duplication of data.

The features of SWMS differ depending on which system you are using:

  • Street Manager in England; or
  • EToN 6 in Wales.

As with all HIAMS modules, inspection software is provided for inspectors to inspect and monitor current works, permit conditions, utility excavations and reinstatements, in the form of Street Works Inspector (SWI).

SWMS allows for all permits, notices and reinstatement details to be displayed graphically against other HIAMS datasets. This allows HIAMS users to simply and quickly make informed co-ordination decisions All documents relating to the notice are stored in the integral Document Management System and can be easily viewed.

The HIAMS Public Information Portal (PIP) can be used to graphically display Street Works data, such as current and future work, for consumption by members of the public.